Megan Fox couldn't sell kiddie porn to Michael Jackson. Everything she touches turns to FAIL. She's ignorant, arrogant, talentless, and ungrateful. I know you're probably growing tired of my rants about this chick, but I can't help myself. It's just that she's so easy to loathe. Jonah Hex finished the weekend in 8th place. 8TH. That's 8th behind, Toy Story 3, The Karate Kid, The A-Team, Get Him to the Greek, Shrek, Prince of Persia, and Killers. If you're Megan Fox and the movie you're supposed to carry finishes behind a movie starring an insufferable and unattractive Kathrine Heigl, and a dopey Ashton Kutcher that's been out for 3 weeks, you might wanna look to another career. Megan...stick to modeling. People, not me, but people, wanna see you...they just don't wanna see you act.
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