Most of the nonsense on Brobible won't win awards for its depth and fortitude into the human experience, but this, I have to say, is alarmingly relatable. I've read tons of books on the human psyche, evolutionary behavior, sexual evolution, and I've never seen anything from this perspective. It's a ballsy move, but a well thought one. I'm not saying it's all right, but I will say that everyone has had moments in life when...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Another trip that left me with a severe case of PADS. For those of you that don't know, Post Alcohol Depression Syndrome is a bear. Especially after nine days in Europe, three of those ending the trip at Oktoberfest. Here are a few of the locales. Enjoy. Prague at Dusk Neuschwanstein Castle, BavariaChurch in Bavaria, the way it should be. German equivalent of the Capitol (Berlin) Brandenburg Gate,...
Monday, October 13, 2014
This is not John Travolta
Posted on 2:51 PM by veer

Belgium has a new Minister of Health. Health. They must teach "Healthy" in Belgium with irony. * (Former Belgian Minister of Health not pictured because he was eaten by the new Minister of Heal...
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