Scientists have discovered that chimpanzees mourn their dead infants just like humans.But now scientists have filmed how one chimpanzee mother, whose 16-month-old infant died, apparently begins the grieving process.It’s the latest evidence highlighting just how similar chimps and other great apes are to humans.The ape continued to carry the body for more than 24 hours before tenderly laying on the ground. Then from a short distance she watched over her child.Periodically she returns to the body and touches the face and neck with her fingers to...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Posted on 8:11 PM by veer

Princess, yes real Princess Olivia Wilde, is gorgeous. She's probably gonna be the new "it" girl. In fact, when she left House MD as the magnificent "13", so did I. Her face is so ridiculously perfect, it's kind of funny looking. It's like a big square that in some pictures, makes her look like a huge angular head on a tiny body. Agreed though, that's really splitting hairs. She has these piercing cat-like eyes that are so intense, especially...
White cotton, check. Blood, check. Noooo, surely that's not the metaphor she was going for...
Posted on 7:44 PM by veer

Lady GaGa is exactly what she strives to be, an enigma. I mean, I guess she's talented, but her over-the-top antics seem too contrived. After a while, they become originality's antagonist and it gets annoying. At first, especially before Alexander McQueen decided to check himself out, her costumes built her mystique. Then he hung himself, she tried to continue, unsuccessfully might I add, and it simply hasn't been the same(see meat dress). I...
Hershey’s makes millions of Kisses each day. I’m just asking for one.
Posted on 6:23 PM by veer

Christina Hendricks will light a red carpet on fire. When I say light on fire, I mean people will self immulate just so they don't look directly into the eyes of the beast. Someone once told me this girl was like, "1950's voluptuous pretty." So, based on that sentence, I deduce that in the 50's men liked women that looked like hideous sea donkey hybrids of sterility and eminent death, or just red heads that can cripple all-you-can-eat buffets....
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Feel dirty, need bath, don't care.
Posted on 2:48 PM by veer

I think Vanessa Hudgens is like 16, but hopefully for me, and my criminal record, she's 20, cause she's absolutely on fire. She was wisely picked to be the spokeperson for Candies shoes and without equivocation, I can say the person responsible for that move is the smartest person in the world. She's hotter than 7 hells. The fact that zac Efron, the poster boy for sexual ambiguity and effeminacy, has landed this rocket ship, makes me want to fly...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Katie Couric is so irrevlevant.
Posted on 5:32 PM by veer

Katie Couric came under fire this month for suggesting a Muslim version of 'The Cosby Show' would go a long way in fixing America's ignorance about the Islamic faith."Maybe we need a Muslim version of 'The Cosby Show' ... I know that sounds crazy," Couric said on a web version of her show, while discussing the major stories from 2010. "But 'The Cosby Show' did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wait...what tha.
Posted on 7:38 PM by veer

I think it was just this week I was writing about how hot Rihanna is and how she tortures me with her sexiness. Because of that, I refuse to believe that this is her. In fact, right now, I'll bet 100 bucks this isn't Rihanna, but Cousin IT from the Adams' Family. What is it about famous people that they can't continue looking normal and beautiful. Celebrities are worthle...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
You sure are purty.
Posted on 9:06 PM by veer

If this woke me up at any point in my life, I would sear I was in Heaven. I don't know if I've ever seen anything more physically beautiful...except that one time I saw a midget dressed as a cowboy brushing a miniature horse mane and shooting a cap gun at passing cars. Now that was glorious. It was like a hat trick of fantasy and perfection. Who wouldn't recall a rare and vivid memory like that. I do love a good miniature horse. The juxtaposition...
Tommy likey....
Posted on 8:49 PM by veer

Kate bekinsale is 37 years old and has a daughter. I find it troubling when women with children, magnets on their cars, or those stupid flip flops with all their names, and most importantly, a cup full of misery, tell other women that haven't given birth, how "hard" or "impossible" it is to lose or how "fat" they're gonna get after having babies or how "skinny" they were until they had kids. Odds are, you weren't that skinny. Second, you haven't...
This is your face...this is your face on Botox.
Posted on 8:35 PM by veer

Is this organism a human being? I'm not joking. I can't be sure. What is she like 24? Jesus, do you need to freeze your face with Botulinum Toxin that early? I can see why Nicole Kidman looks like the frozen grandparents in Weird Science, but Megan Fox? What the hell has she done to herself? It just looks creepy. Her neck is so long. Is she a Kayan Lahwi woman that wears those creepy rings that extend the neck? I'm so confused by the fascination...
Anniston would sell her soul to subtract 10 years.
Posted on 7:02 PM by veer

Could there be a person on Earth more desperate than Jennifer Anniston? Seriously. She makes Jessica Simpson seem grounded and lucky in love. In like a year, when she's 59, she'll still be posing as an 8 year old for photos in magazines while yearning for the attention of the men folk. Can you say daddy issues...and by daddy, I mean, "Brad, why do you keep changing your number?" Are you kidding me with these pictures? Despite her dried up and...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Xtina is on the Jessica Simpson diet
Posted on 8:16 PM by veer

Ok...WTF happened to my genie in the bottle? Was the bottle Crisco oil? Was it not like two years ago when Xtina was a slender sexpot with the voice of an angel. What hasn't she been eating. Holy crap. I bet her blood type is Rocky Road. Even her vocal chords are fat. Usually girls get divorced, lose weight and get implants...not Xtina. I think she ate her prenup because you know that thing was rich. God knows I haven't seen that dreadful...
I would hate hate hate hate to be an athlete part deaux
Posted on 8:01 PM by veer

Andy Roddick is kind of cool I guess, but I watched the Bachelor tonight...shhhhh, and I'll tell you, secretly of course, Heidi Klum isn't the only guy in love with Seal. I've got a serious man crush. If I had a voice like that, I would never talk. I would sing everything to everyone. Girls would ask me random questions like, "What time is it?" and I would respond in song. I bet he used to get laid by accident. Make fun of his face if you want,...
The Keebler elf and I love the beach.
Posted on 7:34 PM by veer

The hobbit and I went frolicing in the sand and surf this weekend, and as usual, the paparrazi refuse to give us one damn moment of privacy. Being a celebrity gets so old. You can't see in this picture, but right off camera, I said, "Hayden, look at this!"Public indecency is only 140.00. Just with the look on her face alone, it was totally worth the money. Gotcha...I'm aweso...
Don't let the smoove taste fool ya...
Posted on 8:50 AM by veer
First we have Housewives of Atlanta, then this. Hopefully, oh goodness I hope, that this is an act of hyperbole. Sadly, I'm not so sure. "So it sounds to me, like you can slide on my ice like an Escapade?" What the hell is an escapade? I've heard of Escalades. I've also heard of Eskimos. Never heard Escapades...not since Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation anyway. The fun really begins at the 3:00 mark. "Ain't nobody marchin', ain't nobody walking, we done boycotted the school buses for a whole week, that's enough Rosa Parks. You can get back...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Rihanna is a mocha goddess of love
Posted on 6:37 PM by veer

It's a shame Rihanna wasted all that time with Chris Brown. He seems like such a little b%##%. He's one of those guys I would love to hit one time. It would be a one punch knock out. Then everybody would jumping around screaming, "ohhhhhhh!!!!" with their hands over their mouths and I would just be like kind of smiling because, well, I did just KO a dude with one punch. Anyway, back to Chris Brown being a little B%$%#. Don't you have to be...
Hollywood is so beautiful.
Posted on 6:19 PM by veer

Hollywood, FYI, morbid obesity isn't beautiful and glamorous. It's quite the opposite in fact. It kills you. I guess instead though, we'll just lie to one another by saying, "Be who you are." If you're gay, fine. I agree, be who you are. If you're white, black, multiracial, fine. Be who you are. If you look like the Golden Globe mascot, lose weight. Instead of letting fat define your career in Hollywood, find some self respect and mix in...
I would hate hate hate hate to be a professional athlete.
Posted on 6:03 PM by veer

Mark Sanchez, the Mexican Assassin's arm candyAaron Rodgers, Tom Brady 2.0's Arm CandyCristiano Rinaldo, 1st place winner of the my girlfriend's hotter cont...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sam Ronson will kill you.
Posted on 6:20 AM by veer

John Dye, who played the angel of Death, Andrew, on 'Touched By An Angel' for nine seasons, has died. The actor passed away from heart failure in California on Monday. He was 47. The actual cause of death is unknown; however, neighbors have revealed the last time Dye was seen alive he was standing at the foot of Samantha Ronson's bed as his character, Andrew, instructing her that he was there to take her home. Then, Sam rolled over. John Dye...
Thursday, January 13, 2011 me on this one.
Posted on 8:33 PM by veer

For all the women out there salivating over the thought of being able to wear clothes without feeling self conscious, being able to shop for bikinis with confidence, lingerie, etc, please stop. I have many theories that usually hold no water. In fact, most of everything I say I just make up on the spot to offend someone or to illicit some less carefully constructed and/or ignorant retort. Sure, I'm full of it, but not about this. Listen carefully...
Vicky, can I be the first to say, "Thanks, but no thanks."
Posted on 8:09 PM by veer

The new Victoria's Secret models all gathered together for this photo in GQ or Vogue or something in an attempt to convince us that we don't secretly wish it was 2004 again. Well, Vicky, you tramp, it's not working. Is this some cruel joke? Are you trying to confuse me with all this blonde emaciation? Well, it's not working. We all know you can't have angels without Heidi Klum. I usually agree that there's no such thing as too skinny, but these...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Rachel Mcadams gives her best, "Trey, please love me" pose.
Posted on 1:16 PM by veer

After wedding crashers, ok ok ok...actually it was actually after I watched The Notebook and cried for an hour, that I fell in total love with Rachel Mcadams. What? How you could you not cry at that beautiful coming-of-age story of forbidden love, destiny, loyalty and tragedy. Noah spent his entire life trying to prove himself and win her love. I digress. The point is that Rachel McAdams is a ROCKET. Sure, she's a little pale and sinewy, but...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Has someone been dippin' into poppa's meth cabinet...?
Posted on 6:13 PM by veer

Jaime Pressly, star of "My Name Is Earl," was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving Wednesday night after a traffic stop in Santa Monica, L.A. Now reports.The 33-year-old actress -- arrested at 11:36 p.m. and booked around 2:30 a.m. -- was released Thursday morning on $15,000 bail, higher than the typical $5,000 bond. No accident was involved, police said. Though Pressly's blood-alcohol content was not public, TMZ said bail can be set at $15,000...
Jennifer Aniston is so awesome...and by awesome, I mean heinous and insufferable.
Posted on 2:57 PM by veer
Jennifer Plainiston was hammered last night at the People's Choice Awards. Shocker. If you asked begged bribed threatened 37 men to accompany you to the awards, and they turned you down, you'd be shotgunning champagne too. I almost feel sorry for her, but then I think about her plain jane, run-of-the-mill looks, her 15 million a movie paychecks, her inability to keep a man without crying about it for five years, and I remember how much I despise her to the depths of my soul. Seriously, just today I saw 4 girls in Atlanta 6x's hotter than Jennifer...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Amazing story, amazing video.
Posted on 8:10 PM by veer
If you're reading this on facebook go this link to see the video. This is a recent viral video of a homeless man in Ohio with a strange gift. This video is almost hard to believe. If you didn't know better, you'd think that the audio was altered. Nonetheless, this is a truly great story. On a lighter note, why in the eff would you live in Ohio if you homeless. I mean, why would you live in Ohio period, but especially if you're homeless. It should be pretty obvious to determine when you see a homeless man...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Macaulay's deal with devil just expired...
Posted on 6:15 PM by veer

News broke today that surprised everyone, Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin broke up after 7 years of being together...and by surprised I mean, not surprised. I think she woke up one day and realized that over the last three years she has taken Hollywood by storm and has become a leading lady and meanwhile, her boyfriend's highlight was 20 years ago when he applied aftershave without facial hair and screamed intot he camera. Mila Kunis is so hot that...
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