Christina Hendricks will light a red carpet on fire. When I say light on fire, I mean people will self immulate just so they don't look directly into the eyes of the beast. Someone once told me this girl was like, "1950's voluptuous pretty." So, based on that sentence, I deduce that in the 50's men liked women that looked like hideous sea donkey hybrids of sterility and eminent death, or just red heads that can cripple all-you-can-eat buffets. Either way, I'm so glad me and my penis didn't grow up in the 50's cause we would've been so pissed. In the words of Jackie Martling, this chick is a two bagger. One bag on her head and one on mine in case hers falls off. If this can be a sex symbol in Hollywood, that town is even more pathetic than I thought.
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