Keith Olbermann was fired from like his 21st job in 19 years recently and last night he went on Letterman to discuss his demise. Letterman kicked off his brief sit-down with the TV personality by asking how long ago he had left MSNBC to go to Current TV.
“I don’t know. I have to consult my notes because after a certain point, I can’t keep track of where I’m working,” Olbermann joked. I use Olbermann joked very lightly because the only people that laugh at Olbermann also think Obama defends the Constitution and loves the free market economy. Olbermann sucks. He's painfully unfunny and dry...and I don't mean cleverly dry, like Letterman, I mean dry like prison sex. If my choice were to have an orgy with Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg or watch a half an hour of this clown, throw me to the liberal wolves...at least they wear awesome robes and swing a mean gavel.
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