Sarah Jessica Parker is the biggest enigma to come out of Hollywood in my lifetime. She's a wretched actress. Her character on Sex and the City was so abhorrent and repulsive, it was impossible to watch. That show is the only proof I need that women are out of touch. She looks like a female centaur and her voice makes me want to OD on jenkem. Even though I loathe her existence, I still feel a little sorry for her because her husband is so gay, it's like Bruno and Liberace had a child and out came Matthew Broderick. I'll never understand why couples in Hollywood pretend to be not gay. It's like the most accepting place in the world, unless you're a Republican or a Christian. If presented with the option of having sex with this or putting my penis in a food ninja, well, I think you know. It's a physical impossibility to be attracted to this wildebeest.
In the latest issue of some country's Harper's Bazaar, the editors were obviously trying to make her look human on the cover, so they airbrushed her so much that they turned her into a Lucifer/Mr Ed love child. If I cut out just this picture and blew it up on a poster and walked down Peachtree Street in Atlanta, I bet 500.00 not one person could pull Sarah Jessica parker.
If you have ever purchased a season of Sex in the City on DVD, please do the world a favor and go play in traffic. In fact, out of all the sperm your father donated to your mother, you're the one that won? That seems like a genetic impossibility.
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