Just after the earthquake in Haiti, Sean Penn decided that it would make him look less like an asshole if he took 11 doctors, X-Ray machines and a ventilator over to set up a medical relief organization. So, that's what he did...except he still managed to look like an asshole.
In an interview with CBS' Sunday Morning, Sean was asked about the haters and he responded with: "I guess I've been so away from it all-- and our tent camp in Haiti that I haven't had an awful lot of time to pay attention to them. You know, do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it."
Sean Penn is so despicable. Honestly, it would be like pulling a drowning child out of the water with your left hand and pushing someone in with your right. Screaming of rectal cancer? Seriously, Sean? You better watch all those heaters you're burning because if anyone is on the fast track to "the cancer", it's you broseph. Tip: When you do good deeds with your undeserved fortune, make sure you don't condemn your critics with rectal cancer. Have you ever noticed how Democrats speak of tolerance. Tolerance, unless you disagree with them. That's funny, I think. Anyway, imagine for one second, if you can keep your lunch down, that Sean Penn and Meryl Streep make a baby together. As soon as that child could walk it would start branding people with the sign of the beast and destroying the world with the Ten Plagues of Egypt. I would rather burst into flames than have carnal knowledge of Meryl Streep.
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