If you could dream up the characteristics that define an effective, determined, grounded and representative CEO, it would be hard to get Bertha Lewis out of your head to think of anyone else. This lovely woman the captures sheer essence of integrity and stabilty. She's practically run Acordn into the ground, but she's not stopping there.
ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis says the times people are living in now will "dwarf" all those stains on America's history. And she points to the Tea Party movement -- or "bowel movement," in her words -- as a harbinger of the persecution to come.
"They are coming. And they are coming after you," the embattled head of ACORN said during a talk last month to the Young Democratic Socialists, the youth branch of the Democratic Socialists, the U.S. branch of the Socialist International.
During the address, Lewis praised the group's members for calling themselves socialists, and warned that undefined forces are plotting their doom.
"Any group that says, 'I'm young, I'm Democratic, and I'm a socialist,' is all right with me."
"This is not rhetoric or hyperbole -- this is real," Lewis said. "This rise of this Tea Party so-called movement -- bowel movement in my estimation -- and this blatant uncovering and ripping off the mask of racism."
Well Bertha, I didn't know organized peaceful marches, like those of Martin Luther King Jr., were considered "bowel movements" or perceived attempts to evoke racial tensions of segregation and Jim Crowism. Geez Bertha, if you had only let us know this before. I didn't know that a melting pot of ethnicity assembling to protest the strangle-hold felt by increasing government control, irresponsible and Socialistic Big-Government style spending by an irreverent and arrogant Congress would be considered the mask of racism. Why isn't some reputable and successful news source like MSNBC's, Keith Olberman, reporting this to me? Bertha, you mean it's not 1947-1991? We don't hate Socialists movements and see them as detrimental to what made this country great? We don't denigrate attacks on our individual liberties anymore? I feel like such a fool. We have to save this stellar organization and ensure that people like this find their way to Washington. The "Save Acorn Movement" must start at the grass roots level. Giving tax advice to a pimp and postitute is the cornerstone for the ideals and principles of morality and liberty set forth by the framers of the Constitution. Any idiot knows that. We can't turn a blind eye to this Anti-Socialist movement. We have to watch these racist and bigots organizing at Tea Parties. Stop the pheonix of Jim Crow and McCarthyism from rising from the ashes. Long Live Acorn and Obama Socialism!
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