The remake of Red Sonya has left comic book geeks and chronic masturbating teenagers frustrated due to delays in production for just about every possible reason. Robert Rodriquez was originally signed on to direct and Rose McGowan to star, but it seems both have dropped out to pursue other ventures. It seems now Megan Fox has been chosen to replace McGowan. Not only did they choose the most overrated and unproven actress of all time, but new writers have taken over the project which, of course, translates to, "Trying to remove all emotion and fervor from the script..oh and clothes..for Megan Fox."
I guess Hollywood is the young generation and I'm the old geezer that yells at them for driving too fast down my street. If Megan Fox is what audiences want, I'll just sit on my porch and scream at passing cars. I just can't, for the life of me, understand why in the hell anyone would cast this chick to play in a movie. If you want to create a movie that will rack up Razzie awards, cast Megan Fox. If you want to produce a movie and lose your ass (cough) Jennifer's Body, cast Megan Fox. If you want to make a movie, pick a nobody to star and propel her to stardom and have her bad mouth you every chance she gets (cough) Michael Bay/Transformers, cast Megan Fox. This chick is Box Office Anthrax. You think you're getting this nice envelope, but inside it's just white powder that causes a painful death. Megan Fox sucks so bad it makes my head hurt. I would rather watch Larry King interview Kate Gosselin than any movie starring Megan Fox.
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