Tuesday afternoon, someone decided that my 4-door Jeep Wrangler was too tired of driving around Atlanta and decided to total it by a simple failure to yield the right of way. It's scary and alarming how quickly one's life can change. Obviously, my Jeep did not end up in a swimming pool, but after two hours of clean up, 1 Trauma helicopter, and a 2,000 car traffic jam, it did end up with a hood buckled like a teepee and an airbag that burns like gonorrhea. Everyone involved is truly blessed to be alive. This experience really forced me to take a step back and assess my life and its shortcomings/eccentricities. Actually, it's made me be thankful for life, which for me can be good or bad. Good, because it makes me realize how precious life is. Bad, because it makes realize how precious life is. I don't need anything to give me an excuse to live my life faster. Regardless, I thank God that the other person involved is ok. I've been worried sick. So, again, I apologize to my sister and Mac, which are my only two readers, for the lack of focus and blog entries on Exposedandnaked. I will do better.
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