Eddie Long, illegal steroid user/Mr T impersonator/facebook self pic master/pedophile/homophobe/Bentley owner/pastor of the New Birth church in Atlanta, has landed himself in an underage homosexual sex scandal. The mega church which had about 300 members when he took the helm in 1987, has grown to nearly 25,000. Since that time though, Long's lifestyle has significantly ameliorated. So much so, he now pimps a private jet, a monster house, and like a million cars. Unfortunately for Long, he also seemed to be pimping a few underage male members of his congregation. Recently, these young men have come forward with allegations of wrongdoing, and when I say wrongdoing, I mean they accused him of blowjobs and buying them lavish trips and gifts in exchange for, well, more blowjobs. One of four young men accusing a prominent Georgia pastor of sexual abuse describes in an interview with the Atlanta Fox affiliate a love-hate relationship with a man he once called "daddy."
The alleged victim, Jamal Parris -- speaking out for the first time since the men's civil lawsuits against Bishop Eddie Long -- told the TV station he joined Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church as a 14-year-old with no father figure. He said Long wanted Parris to call him "daddy" and to trust him with spiritual guidance.
Now Parris calls Long a "monster." He claims in his lawsuit Long used scripture to justify sex and lavished the boys with money, cars, jewelry, trips in his private jet and even homes -- sometimes with funds from the church coffers.
"You finally have a father that you've always wanted for and always dreamed of," Parris said. "He would just walk away from you if you don't give him what he wants. So you end up turning into something you never thought you would be, which is now a slave to a man that you love."
Long, through his lawyer, has called the allegations in the lawsuits false. Parris says it is all true.
"The man turned his back on us when he had no more need for us," Parris said. "That's not a father, that's a predator."
Here's a few of the allegations surrounding this awesome story.
Long went after Robinson started at age 15, even putting him on the church payroll.
• Among the fabulous destinations Long visited with the boys in tow: New York City, Auckland (for Robinson's 18th birthday in 2008! where they allegedly had oral sex!) and Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean islands. Though Flagg and Robinson went on trips separately, they often flew on Long's private jet and stayed in his hotel bed.
• Long bought Flagg a Ford Mustang as a gift. Long drives a Bentley himself. HE IS A PASTOR!
• There were also cash gifts, clothes, jewelry and "access to celebrities."
• There are emails, texts, and photos exchanged between Long and his victims, says their attorney. I'm sure there are also flight itineraries?
• Long would check into hotels under the name "Dick Tracy." Not a joke.
• Much of the sexual contact took place at Long’s "guest house" on his own property.
• Long was a fan of "sexual touching." So far there are reports of Long going as far as oral sex, but nothing involving the backdoor
Does anyone out there have a pastor that does illegal steroids? Does anyone have a pastor that puts on skin tight muscle shirts and takes cell phone pics of themselves in front of a mirror? Does anyone have a pastor that does all this and then denies having anything to do with these heinous allegations? Does anyone have a pastor that isn't a Bishop, but anoints himself one and goes by the name Bishop Eddie Long? I hope not because any one of these things would be enough to run like hell from this church. It's beyond creepy. Undoubtedly, this is probably a shakedown of epic proportions, but you can't deny where there's smoke, there's fire. Is he guilty of everything these nincompoops and/or victims allege? I doubt it, but I bet a lot of it is true. I don't trust any pastor that drives a car that no one else in his congregation can afford, that uses the church to buy a private jet to galavant around the globe, or live in a massive mansion while others in his flock are in economic peril. If you made me put odds on the accuracy of this story, I'd have to say 85% true just from the stupid gay picture from above.
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