CNBC sponsored a town hall meeting for President Obama today and despite hand picking so-called supporters, he didn't get the softballs he had hoped. The focus of the Town Hall meeting was job creation and the ongoing tennis match of sorts surrounding the expiration and possible extension of Bush Tax Cuts. If supporters, picked by this administration, are "exhausted by constantly defending this administration's actions," how does one think other, non voters feel? If President Obama is lambasted and ambushed by the very people that put him in office, how does one think middle America feels when the collar of tax increases squeezes out what little life is left? If Bush Tax Cuts were so detrimental to the economy, why are so many democratic senators cutting against the grain of their own party in favor of extending them? If a CFO of a Government agency, that is on the receiving end of the majority of Obama's irresponsible and massive stimulus package, intended only to expand government and increase America's dependence on government, doesn't see the "Mantle of change she voted for," tell me who in this country could? How many of you know people that have lost their homes, cars, jobs? How many of you have sacrificed and worked your entire lives to achieve middle class American dreams, only to have your earned income stripped and GIVEN to people that haven't made the same sacrifices? While you make those sacrifices, while many of you continue to lose your jobs, President Obama and the First Family continue to use taxpayers dollars to move their entire entourage on jets around the world for vacation after vacation. Even Dave Letterman, a staunch Democrat said, "Obama is vacationing again. Don't worry Mr. President, you'll have plenty of time to vacation after your 1st term."
Make no mistake, both parties are up-in-arms. It's reckless government expansion, anti-capitalist ideologies, tax increases on job creators, and an overall disconnect with mainstream America that have ignited the tinder. It's not just Republicans storming the castle. It's Democrats, Tea-Party, Libertarians, Non-Partisans leading a charge to make their voices heard. It's Americans. America's voice has been awakened by arrogance, inexperience and a "back turned" stance to mainstream America and its job creators and workers. Government does not provide for America, it suffocates it. It doesn't grow economies, it stifles them. Penalizing providers and catalysts of this great nation represents the obtuse and lost-at-sea attitude that can encapsulate this whole Presidency. Having blind loyalty to your President, to your party, your ideologies, is one thing, but turning your back on freedom, capitalism and the free market system that propelled this country to greatness is another. If you think government can do it better, you either are one, you haven't been to the DMV to get your license, you've never taken your fathers, mothers, or grandparents to the VA, or you didn't hear Cuba's, Fidel Castro's latest quotes about how totalitarian socialism has failed it's people. President Obama is running for his political life right now. His party is abandoning ship faster than those rich people on the Titanic. And like the Titanic, there's a finite number of life boats in Washington in November and Democrats are scrambling to jump in one.
Below are some of the highlights, or if you're President Obama, lowlights, of the Town hall Meeting:
Monday's town hall meeting started off on a sour note when the first questioner from the audience, a woman who said she voted for him, said she is "deeply disappointed with where I am now."
"My husband and I thought we were beyond the hot dog and beans of our lives. ... Is this my new reality?" she asked.
"I understand your frustration," Obama said. He defended his administration's efforts to help the middle class, listing achievements such as better protection for mortgage loans and health insurance for those with preexisting conditions.
A representative from the business community, Kenneth Langone, a co-founder of Home Depot, asked via a video feed for an explanation of what he sees as the administration's anti-business stance.
Then a 30-year-old law school graduate said he's no longer able to make the interest payments on his educational loans, much less able to have a mortgage or a family. He said he had been inspired by Obama's campaign. But now, "that inspiration is dying away," he said. "I really want to know: Is the American dream dead?
"Absolutely not. ... There is not a country in the world that would want to change places with us," Obama responded. "We are still the country that billions of people in the world look to and aspire to."
Through the negative questioning, Obama appeared at ease, repeating variations of things he's said for months in speeches about the economy.
For handpicked people to ask questions, this doesn't sound like America that's happy with the direction their leader is taking them. Are you happy?
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