Dear Penn State,
How can this ordeal come as a surprise to anyone? For what, 60 or so years you've had JoePa tied to that program, racking up a collection of hardware including Big Ten titles and National Championships. I would think child rape by a defensive coordinator wouldn't classify as one of those accolades, but maybe I'm wrong. You fire a man that clearly knew about these despicable allegations of RAPE and you riot? WTF is wrong with you idiots? Let's call this what it is, because sexual abuse is hardly enough. Having sexual intercourse with innocent boys in a shower against their will is called rape. Using your football camp to lure young boys into a pool so you can brush yourself against them is sexual abuse. He did both, among other things. For many years Penn State has been a bleeding program, holding on to one of the top rungs of a weak and anemic conference that hasn't been dominant, top to bottom, in a long time. JoePa has been a seemingly out-of-touch figure head, so to speak, for a program that needed to fire him, but didn't have the heart or the know how. All I needed to know about either the state of mind, or the integrity, hopefully the former, of Joe Paterno, was revealed to me the day after this story broke and instead of preparing a speech that could attempt to apologize for the unspeakable actions of a coach on his staff, over a 10 year period, that he knew about and participated in the cover up, he led a Penn State fight song/chant. Seriously JoePa? Boys were molested and raped for 10+ years, maybe more and you lead the students and press in a fight song? Youre either completely senile, or youre an asshole. Either way, you got what you deserved. Somewhere for the past 10 years, who knows how many young boys, victims of your program, have probably been on the edge of life and death, while you wandered aimlessly up and down the sidelines trying to outlast Bobby Bowden. What a selfish prick. What a narcissistic son-of-bitch. Your coach will get what he deserves, hopefully from an angry parent because if it were my son, he wouldn't breathe another breath of life on this earth, but if not, he'll pay for those actions sooner or later. The only thing that could make this story better for me would be if Sandusky got gang raped and murdered in prison and the NCAA took away all wins from JoePa during this era. I know it won't happen but I hate to see that dick head at the top in wins.
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