Adriana Lima, officially one of the most beautiful women of all time (I judged), released the workout and diet regiment she adheres to in order to prepare herself for the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Needless to say, upon its release, women all across the United States were heard in unison saying under their breath, "Bitch." I get it, I guess...actually, no I don't. I mean, she is Brazilian, after all, which is basically like being a Terminator built by Skynet, or a superhero from Krypton. It's obvious, especially in regard to beauty, and maybe soccer, the Brazilians are light years ahead of most countries. I know exactly what I'm gonna hear from most women about not only this diet and workout regiment, but how they don't want to look like this because "she's too thin," or she's " too skinny" or "she looks unhealthy" or "she's not a real woman. She needs some meat on her bones." Well allow me to retort. This is all woman. She has meat on her bones and it's all in the right places. Obesity isn't the object of men, unless of course you suffer from Feederism. Staying in shape is hard. Going to the fridge for celery instead of ice cream sucks, but blood pressure meds and diabetes are worse. Balancing family, work, and exercise is tough, but my sister has four kids all involved in sports and works, yet she can manage, so I don't have much tolerance for apathy or laziness. This diet is a little extreme, sure, but so is body building training. I find discipline like this admirable. If everyone were willing to go the extra mile to be at the top of his/her respective games, we wouldn't have so many drowning in mediocrity.
Adriana Lima's Diet for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
-Lima sees her personal nutritionist who has records of her body’s muscle mass, fat ratio, and levels of water retention.
-The nutritionist then prescribes protein shakes, vitamins, and supplements to help keep Lima from crashing during her training period. She also takes in a gallon of water a day.
-For the nine days before the big Victoria’s Secret show, Lima will only drink protein shakes which have a primary base of powdered eggs. She’s barred from eating solid foods.
-Two days before the show, Lima stops the gallon of water each day and drinks based solely upon need.
-Twelve hours before the show, Lima cuts off all liquid intake to lean out.
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