Robby Bostain, the taller, less predatory less lion-like brother of Chris Bostain, I think, according to the video at least, won a championship somewhere in Europe. The crowd is wicked excited, but unless you're one of the 7 people in the world that still speak Dutch, I can't understand a damn word this play-by-play guy is saying. Props to Robby though, despite what he's listed at (cough) 6'6", his realistic 6'4" seemed to rise into the rafters on that dunk. WHAT?!? NO?!?! Ok...maybe not in the rafters, but that's two dunks any way you slice em. Congrats to Robby and the rest of the Gasterra Flames for a great season. I'll leave you all with a little advice, though. Save your money. No seriously. SAVE. YOUR. MONEY. When playing ball tax free is over, Obama will take your money before you get through customs.
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