In a June 2009 interview in Biotechnology Healthcare, Berwick was asked: "Critics of CER (Comparative Effectiveness Research) have said that it will lead to rationing of health care."
He answered: "We can make a sensible social decision and say, 'Well, at this point, to have access to a particular additional benefit [new drug or medical intervention] is so expensive that our taxpayers have better use for those funds.' We make those decisions all the time. The decision is not whether or not we will ration care--the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open."
In the same interview, he also said, “The social budget is limited—we have a limited resource pool. It makes terribly good sense to at least know the price of an added benefit, and at some point we might say nationally, regionally, or locally that we wish we could afford it, but we can’t.”
Berwick also talked about his romantic view of Britain’s socialized health care system on page 213 of a report he wrote entitled, “A Transatlantic Review of the NHS at 60,” published on July 26, 2008.
“Cynics beware: I am romantic about the National Health Service; I love it,” Berwick wrote. “All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country.”
In the same article, he wrote, “The NHS is one of the astounding human endeavors of modern times. … It’s easier in the United States because we do not promise health care as a human right.”
He further wrote, “Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must – must – redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and less fortunate.”
FACT: Nat'l Health Service is a failure
FACT: Private clinics are growing rapidly all across England to help meet growing demand for quality health care.
You see, national Health Service is 60 years old this year. It's bankrupting England, but you don't have to take my word for it:
Express and Star
Sad tales of NHS failure
Thursday 3rd July 2008, 10:45AM BST.
This bright and fantastic initiative to allow everyone access to free treatment was, of course, brilliant and necessary in it’s infancy but 60 years down the line and the NHS is seriously over burdened, under-funded and riddled with problems----
My mother and myself have had nothing but a complete catalogue of errors because it seems very much to me that unless you go to the doctors/hospital with something obvious and are a man, no one takes you very seriously.
I went back and forth from doctors and various hospitals between the ages of 5 to 24 with a painful urinary complaint which I had suffered with from birth. The mistreatment, misdiagnoses, horribly rude consultants and errors experienced during those years would fill several blogs!
I decided that I had experienced enough and it was better to just suffer alone than continue with the NHS so I didn’t see a doctor about my problems again for 6 years. The pain has become increasingly difficult to manage of late and my husband persuaded me to try again this year and after a six-year wait I was full of hope that things may have improved.
I was so wrong.
After waiting six years, the consultant spent four minutes with me at my first appointment and was so abrupt I left the room and sobbed.
I returned for my second appointment and waited over an hour while the consultant saw everyone else in the waiting room. When I was the only person remaining, he left the consulting room, walked through the waiting room and disappeared.
My husband and I presumed that he had just gone for a quick break but the registrar called us through and explained he had been called to an emergency.
Doctor Shortage---Check
Increase Health Care Costs---Check
Complete and total Government dependence---Check
America is watching our President select, one after another, Socialists to run our country into the ground. If you're not furious after that story, which is one of thousands in Europe, please do me a favor and move there. For hundreds of years the world has aspired to be as great as America. Countries have grown and dissolved trying to prove our capitalistic republic wrong. Now we're lucky enough to have a President join in the demagoguery. Empires like the United Soviet Socialist Republic left their people devastated in poverty by adhering to the idea of income redistribution and socialistic programs. Communism doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work. Fascism doesn't work. History is the only indicator of the future and Europe has spent the last 20 years digging themselves out of the suffocating wake of socialism governments. All over Europe countries are moving to a more fiscally conservative, individualistic government, while America is doing the complete opposite. Supporting wealth redistribution is admitting to individual weakness, laziness, and failure. Opportunity is awarded to everyone. That's the founding principles of this great nation. The incentive for success is being wiped away one progressive czar at a time. November elections will be a reckoning, but I'm afraid it's too little too late. Health care reform will cripple this country, but rest assured, Obama and his Socialism goons will do it first.
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