Amanda Seyfried has been in big movies for a while now. I just realized like three weeks ago, she was in Mean Girls. I mean, that was made so long ago, Lindsay Lohan was famous. My point is this: who in the hell is Amanda Seyfried? I'm not sure who she is, but I'm quite sure why she's famous. You see, there's something very marketable about young, vivacious, blonde chicks that have no reservations about taking off their clothes "for the right role" or if it "develops the character". To further my point, two movies ago no one besides her mother even knew this chick's name. That all changed though in Jennifer's Body, where she created a stir by kissing Megan Fox. Then, Amanda threw caution to the wind and starred in Chloe, opposite Julianne Moore, with whom she had a myriad of steamy nudity-filled sex scene. It's not that she's all that hot. Sure, she's attractive, but what young twenty something in Hollywood isn't. She's barely above average if you really 1-10 her. The point is she took her clothes off and got famous. Really Famous. She's basically like the "IT" girl now. She's got scripts flying at her left and right. That's Hollywood for you. It's not that this is the first time nudity brought chicks to the promised land of the Silver Screen: Halle Berry in Monster's Ball, Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love, Kate Winslet in, well, every movie, but you get my point. Hollywood is very easy to figure out if you're a young attractive female. Get naked=Get Roles. Sexist...yes. Unfair...maybe. Being young and attractive and taking your clothes off is the male equivalent of playing the mentally challenged and earning critical acclaim: Tom Hanks=Forrest Gump, Sean Penn=I am Sam, Daniel Day Lewis=My Left Foot, Dustin Hoffman=Rain Man, Leo DiCaprio=Gilbert Grape, Russell Crowe=A Beautiful Mind. Call me insensitive or crazy, but you can't call me a liar. Ironically, a group of liberal elitists that pride themselves on social acceptance for all people are the single most exploitative group on the planet. If you're gonna charge me 12.00 per movie, you better at least give me something exciting. Hey, at least I'm honest about wanting to see girls take their clothes off.
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