Arbroath – A man in Bulawayo’s Nkulumane 5 suburb got the shock of his life after a commercial sex worker he allegedly called to his hotel room turned out to be his daughter. Mr Titus Ncube is said to have collapsed while the 20-year-old daughter bolted after seeing her father. Mr Ncube last week pleaded with reporters not to publish the story. “I am sorry for what I did. I spoke to my wife and my daughter. I apologised for my actions because I just wanted my family back,” he said. The father of three revealed he forgave his daughter for being a commercial sex worker and hired a therapist to counsel her. “I don’t blame my daughter for what happened and what she was doing. I feel it was her way of expressing her feelings about the problems in my family,” he said. “She has stopped that and is going back to school next year. My marital problems are not over, but we have a marriage counsellor who is helping us to get over this most difficult period in our marriage.” His wife, Rosemary, said: “If it were not for my children, I could have divorced him a long time ago. But because I know the trauma that divorce has on children, I made a decision to stay.”
Yeah sure, Rosemary, stay together for the kids because everything has gone great so far. Your daughter is a whore. Your husband is a JOHN. Your husband is your daughter's JOHN. What are the odds really? One of the greatest stories of all time. If you call the escort service and ask for the "bottom bitch on the track that night" (for you rookies that's whore-talk for bottom bitch=number #1 earning whore and the track is the areas all your whores work), and when she comes to the door, after paying top dollars, it's your daughter, I'm not sure what would keep you from turning and running and diving through the hotel window. As a man, nothing could even come close.
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