The remains of a 5,000 year old man have been discovered and archaeologists believe that he may have been homosexual. Because he was buried like a woman.
Archaeologists have unearthed a man from somewhere between 2900 and 2500 B.C. and they discovered that he was buried in a manner that typically, only women were buried in. Most men were buried with their heads pointing towards the west, while this fella was buried with his head facing to the east. Initially, one might assume that this was a sweet prank played on the caveman by his caveman buddies. “Hey, look, we buried him like a chick!” then a round of the caveman equivalent of high fives would ensue. But members of this culture took burials incredibly seriously, so that’s not the case.
The way the man was buried was not the only indication of his sexual orientation. Several other things were discovered that indicated the man was gay or transgendered. His remains were found near an extremely large pile of furs and arrowheads, which were used as currency in the copper age. His excess of these items indicated that he had a large amount of disposable income. Most likely because he didn’t have a wife or children.
Yeah, no kidding. Imagine women robbing you of your disposable income. That seems crazy. Although this is interesting, it seems unlikely. I think, like the author of the article, this could've easily been a joke. Hell, at least once a year I'm dressed up in some costume that, if a volcano or some other disaster occurred and instant death insued, I would be discovered just like this guy. Also, there's the issue with the fur and excess currency. If that makes you gay, every rapper since 1983 is flaming. You know this guy's friends were laughing their asses off while they were throwing dirt on him: "Etocopowah would be so pissed at us right now." "Yeah, but it's funny as hell."
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