BELLAIRE,Ohio -- Community reaction has been intense to our story about the morbidly obese man who spent two years in his chair.
Everyone is asking, "how could this happen?" (I know).
A man whose skin had fused to his chair, with bedsores, maggots and excrement everywhere. The description from the first responders was horrifying.
Now the 43-year-old Bellaire man has died according to our radio news partner WKKX. (43 FREAKING YEARS OLD).
Who is in charge of a case like this? First of all, is it a legal issue? A Belmont County legal authority says it appears that it is not.
The man, from all official accounts, was not being held against his will, was not a captive, not forced to live confined to his chair, with no access to hygiene.
WTRF 7 News is told by several sources that the man insisted on living his life in his chair, insisted that his girlfriend bring him food and soft drinks.
Several people have suggested it's a case for Adult Protective Services. However, their jurisdiction is reportedly limited to the elderly. Clients must be in their 60s or older. A 43 year old does not qualify.
And finally there's the landlord---She says she's been attacked online and on the airwaves and she's tired of it.
She says, "you rent to adult and you expect them to know how to live. He was always sitting underneath a blanket. I had no idea the extent of it."
She says there are now seven people cleaning the house.
Let me get this straight...people are pointing fingers at others when this waste of space ate and shat himself so long his skin attached to the chair? You're gonna blame his landlord? His girlfriend? His girlfriend may be stupid as hell, but she's certainly not to blame for this loser. I can't blame his landlord for never going in the house. The smell alone would keep me away. I just love the people asking, "How could this have happened?"
I'm gonna get crazy and take a stab at this one.
Step 1. Sit in chair.
Step 2. Stay in chair.
Step 3. Crush fast food brought from girlfriend.
Step 4. Crush 60oz soft drink.
Step 5. Repeat 2-4
Step 6. Repeat step 5.
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