December 3, 2009, to borrow FDR's words minus a few days, a day that will live in emphamy. I get this text yesterday from my
Melanie Nunes Fronckowiak
So, of course, I google her. She's the recent winner of the World's Best Bottom contest. She's a 20 year old Brazilian model. This chick was indeed perfect for my friend Chris: Naive to the ways of the world, Impressionable, Smoking body, and the ever-convenient Language barrier. JACKPOT! I immediately told him that I saw a blog post about them in my near future. So, while searching the entire web for 30 minutes for just one picture of her facing forward, I get another text. It reads:
So, to quote Meg Ryan from Top Gun, "There are hearts breaking wide open all over this world tonight...because unless you are a fool, this boy is off the market." Our relationshipaphobic boy, Christopher Bostain, has turned in his card. Young, single, good looking girls in good shape can breathe a confident sigh of relief. The predatory lion of ladies will never again be hiding in the bush, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.
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