When I look at Diora Baird, first of all, I can't look away. She's so hot it gives me chest pains. Hotness like this in Hollywood confuses the hell out of me. There's absolutely no reason she's not every movie made with hot chicks. Can you imagine how bad of an actor you must be to be this hot, yet you're only known as the GUESS GIRL, or the girl that falls naked on the bed in Wedding Crashers with 2 seconds of screen time? In Hollywood, where beautiful bad actors are as plentiful as adopted African children and speed balls, it must be hard to make yourself unfamous when you look this good. Take Megan Fox for instance. She makes me embarrassed for her every time she opens her mouth, yet she headlines major blockbuster films, so where does that leave Diora? Diora's in a tough spot. It must be an incredible burden to bear. She should call me tonight. After I take off all this make up and fish net stockings, I could really show her a good time.
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