A city hospital nearly destroyed a New Jersey woman's life and wrecked her marriage after misdiagnosing her with terminal HIV, hepatitis and herpes, according to a bombshell lawsuit.
Maria Osorio, 54, of Passaic, said she saw an ad on TV offering a $15 mammogram at Harlem Hospital over Valentine's Day last February and decided to take advantage of the screening.
When a nurse offered her a free instant cheek swab and blood test, too, she accepted. That's when she was told she had HIV.
"It was horrible. I wanted to throw myself on the subway tracks," she said.
Subway tracks? If I get news that I have hepatitis, late stage AIDS, and Herpes and I don't know how I got it, I'm gonna be pissed off. That had to be one hell of a party. I wouldn't even know where to go to get all those afflictions in one stop. Lohan maybe? Pam Anderson? Liberace? This woman should get like 10 centillion dollars for this torture. She spent six weeks thinking she had a death sentence. Her marriage was ruined as she logically thought her husband had bed every prostitute in Atlantic City without a condom. In a related story, I remember once as a kid my Nintendo was taken away for six weeks. That was hell.
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